Saturday, February 26

We've had an eventful few days at Cornerstone. Yesterday we hosted a Pacific Southwest Conference Brown Hymnal Society hymn sing. About 125 mostly senior citizen types converged at Cornerstone in the afternoon to sing old gospel songs (you'd be stretching things to call them hymns) from the early 20th century. The music is lame -- but fun to sing occasionally.

Also yesterday, two of our couples had babies. Todd and April Anderson brought Isabella into the world. Danny and Heather Green had a son, Hilton. If memory serves me correctly, I officiated at weddings for both couples in 2003.

UPDATE: Cheryl reminds me that Danny and Heather were married in 2000. Ah, that's a major goof on my part. Time seems to run together for me.

Today we had the memorial service for Marilyn M. Carslon. (A little Easter in the middle of Lent!) Great turnout -- which I'm sure was very encouraging for Merlin who two weeks ago today lost his wife of 55 years. By the way, last night the Turlock Chamber of Commerce named Merlin as the agricultural leader of the year.

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