Friday, February 4

Microsoft has a new search engine so I decided to do a little test. I typed in my name (yes, my ego works just fine) on the three major engines and here are the results:

MSN -- There were all kinds of references to me but my blog was listed 25th. I read through 75 listings and they still hadn't listed my personal website. The funny thing is that I can't remember ever saying anything negative about Bill Gates.

Google -- The first thing on the list is the frontpage of my personal website. The second reference is to my blog.

Yahoo -- Again, the first thing on the list is the frontpage of my personal website and the next reference is to my blog. Yahoo also has a reference to my old Geocities site at #4 (of course, Yahoo owns Geocities). There were also several of my articles listed which I had no idea were anywhere on the web -- things in the yahoogroups archives. That's a bit scary.

It's probably a good thing to do a search on yourself -- just to see where you've left your mark -- not that you can do much about what's out there -- it's just good to know.

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