Friday, April 22

+ Researchers have figured out how to eliminate old maids. My mouth is grateful.

+ The woman with the finger in the chili has been arrested. You could see that one coming after some of her other shenanigans came out in the news. Wendy's is breathing a sigh of relief.

+ Just when you thought that things couldn't get much better they introduced dark chocolate M&Ms. The "darkside" trailer is cute, too.

+ Wal-Mart, the good and the bad -- an attempt at a balanced discussion.

+ Terry Mattingly's headline says it all: "Pre-modern pope faces post-whatever Europe"

+ I don't remember other popes having so many nicknames -- some cute, some not so cute -- Nazi pope, B-16, Papa Ratzi, Panzerpapst (Panzer Pope), Devout Kraut, Ratfinger, and carry-overs from his days as a cardinal -- God's Rottweiler and the Enforcer. It's a whole lot better than getting no reaction at all.

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