Friday, April 8

+ Uwe Siemon-Netto has an interesting response to "stay away saints" that I mentioned yesterday. Dr Siemon-Netto sees the Pope's funeral, the growth of the church in the emerging nations, as well as the growth of the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches in the US as signs that the drift toward "invisible" churches isn't the only trend.

I like Siemon-Netto -- prominent Lutheran theologian who writes for a Moonie-owned news service (UPI), is published in a Moonie-owned newspaper (Washington Times), and is spreading his theologically orthodox opinion. He's German but lives in France -- but he writes for an American audience. He's fresh and not easily pegged down.

+ Timothy George discusses what it is that has caused Protestants to warm up to the Pope (who we used to call the anti-Christ).

+ Betsy's at the Prom tonight so Cheryl and I went out -- had a great dinner at PS Bistro on Main Street, Merced.

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