Tuesday, April 26

+ Terry Mattingly, only slightly jaded, writes about the annual God-beat rush to have an Orthodox story around the time of Orthodox Easter. His complaint seems to be that it's too predictable.

+ Keith Drury tells his own faith melt-down story. Great metaphor at the end.

+ On Wednesday and Thursday I'll be a part of the team interviewing the people in our conference who are applying for first time ministerial licenses. I'm pretty encouraged when I get done with these interviews -- seeing who God is sending our way. BTW, only one of the 19 to be interviewed appears to have any Swedish heritage. Of course, we don't ask people about their blood-line but there are certain clues ("Johnson," "Carlson," "Erickson"... and Covenant Church background). It is so much fun to be a part of an extended church family that is making the transition from being ethnically narrow to ethnically broad.

+ "We cook with care using authentic kitchen methods." That's what it says on the traymat at KFC. What pray tell is that weasely phrase suppose to mean?

+ As predicted -- a group of atheists are suing the federal government over the grants given to Alaska Christian College.

+ Nota bene: Latin is back in vogue.

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