Thursday, June 30

Thursday Notes

  • "What I did on my summer vacation -- read free Latin grammar texts online..."

  • Just when you thought things couldn't get any more ridiculous -- Left Behind: The Games -- bad theology in a cheesy format.

  • LA Times article on churches and the new urbanism

  • Rabbit Aid -- Churches in South Korea are sending 1.2 million rabbits to impoverished North Korea. Creative. And they are shipping through China -- which should help save face.

  • From the outside looking in -- Brits look at American religiosity. Their secular-tinted spectacles hinder their ability to see clearly. But then again, so do our American-tinted glasses. I am assuming that the truth is somewhere in the middle -- best perceived through humble-tinted lenses.

  • Here is where we find out if evangelicals are fully-behind President Bush's faith-based initiatives. A group of Sikhs would like access to some of the federal money for their community programs.

  • Heidi Griepp sent me the link to -- a project of Aaron Olson and Aaron Johnson. This might be especially helpful for Covenant Church people who are into doing the webfeed thing.

  • Billy Graham: "There's a lot of discussion about the Ten Commandments being in a courtroom or in our country. We need to look at the Ten Commandments because they convict us of our sin." Link

  • The urban renaissance of the 90's is fading. Once again, the main issue seems to be affordable housing. See also this story on out-migration.
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