Wednesday, June 15

> The UCC is going to debate whether they should make the affirmation "Jesus is Lord" mandatory. This is a debate on two levels. 1) Whether there should be creedal statements which might exclude some people when culturally the denomination has chosen to define itself as inclusive. 2) Whether they actually want to make such a strong affirmation of Jesus' divinity.

"Jesus is Lord" is perhaps the earliest creedal statement of the church. See for example Romans 10:9 "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

> 3.8 million people have died in Congo since 1998.
Even though the war is technically over a thousand people a day are still dying from hunger and diseases associated with the aftermath of the conflict. And it's not really on too many radar screens. However, there are some efforts underway -- small in comparison to the magnitude of the problem but large and significant to the people involved.

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