Saturday, July 9

Saturday Notes

Talk about a social phenomena! The first run of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, to be released July 16th, is a record 10.8 million copies. They've had more pre-sales than any other book in history. Barnes & Noble CEO Steve Riggio says, "We'll sell 50,000 copies an hour. Less than 1% of all books sell 50,000 copies in their lifetime." Link
Dave Walker has a good collection of his toons online at They're available on cards and worksheets. His sense of humor is almost as warped as mine.
Transcript of the Scot McKnight interview on PBS regarding the emergent church. Also Doug Pagitt -- D.A. Carson -- Diane Butler Bass -- Opening Segment Dialogue.
Michael Asser has "corrected" the King James Version of the Psalms -- morphing it into a translation of the Septuagint (LXX). Why, pray tell? A lot of the Eastern Orthodox Christians in the US like the flow of the KJV but the "authorized version" for them is the LXX. The Psalms are used devotionally in their discipline/practice. Link to 194 page .pdf file
The folks at the Orthodox Study Bible project have been working on a completely new translation of the LXX, too. The target date for publication was originally set for this month. Does anyone know how close they are to their goal?
A new way to browse -- no clicking -- try it out.

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