Friday, July 22

Why Boomers resist the "Emergent Fad"

KEITH DRURY USUALLY HAS A GOOD HEAD on his shoulder. His new piece on "Why Boomers resist the 'Emergent fad'" is no exception. He notes two reasons why the Baby Boomer generation is resisting the changes in church demanded by the emerging generation (and this is my interpretation of his interpretation):

1. Boomers wore themselves out with all of the change they implemented in the church and now they can't stomach much more.

(And this is the excuse I most identify with...)

We're hearing a lot of what we said 30 years ago echoed in the next generation. And we've seen that the changes we implemented haven't made all that much difference. The church is still sucking air in spite of the innovative new styles and structures. So when we hear the "kids" talking about changes that are fundamentally about style and structure we're unenthusiastic -- seeing our own shallowness repeated.

Frankly, overall, I'm optimistic about what's happening with the new wave of leaders. They haven't yet figured out the difference between arrogance and passion. And their focus is narrow, in spite of how they perceive themselves. Still, none of that is terminal. Given a bit of time and wisdom -- and a lot of God's grace -- I'm sure he will use them -- probably not in the way they expect -- but that's okay.

So I'm convinced that the overall trend is positive. We Boomers, on the other hand, are still a piece of work.


1 comment:

Scot McKnight said...

So true, Brad.
When I've brought up this 60s connection with the Emerging folk, they are not too impressed -- but do admit they've heard others say the same thing.