Saturday, September 3

Saturday Notes

NEW FRIARS -- CT article on new crop of urban Christian communities. Some people are referring to this new movement as a "new monasticism" but "new friars" seems much more appropriate. In the 13th century we had the formation of activist orders such as the Dominicans and the Franciscans, which instead of isolating themselves in monasteries created communities of friars which focused on preaching and caring for the poor.

LINSPIRE 5.0, a somewhat user friendly version of the Linux operating system, with an interface similar to Windows, is available as a free download until September 6th. Go to purchase the $49.95 digital edition, and then enter coupon code 'freespire'. Link

FREE ONLINE image editor. Link


TELL ME IT AIN'T TRUE -- Most published scientific research papers are wrong, according to a new analysis. Assuming that the new paper is itself correct, problems with experimental and statistical methods mean that there is less than a 50% chance that the results of any randomly chosen scientific paper are true. Link

SUPERPOWER? -- The world has watched amazed as the planet's only superpower struggles with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, with some saying the chaos has exposed flaws and deep divisions in American society. Link

Ah... the disaster response (or lack thereof) will be the subject of much speculation and I'll leave it to wiser people -- pundits and politicians -- to sort through. I'm not sure, though, that this disaster reveals anything new. It may, however, create some political momentum to address old issues that have been conveniently ignored. We'll see. In the mean time let's pump the water out, clean-up the sewage, and get the remaining lights back on so we can see just how much needs to get done.

EVEN NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC predicted the disaster. Link

SCOT McKNIGHT has a bit of short reflective prose on the situation. Link

STILL ONLINE FROM DOWNTOWN NOLA -- Apparently zipa, a webhosting company and its sister company DirectNIC, are still online utilizing a diesel generator. Link

STICK TO known agencies and if you donate online initiate the visit to the website through a search engine rather than an email solicitation. There are a whole bunch of new phishing cons appearing in the wake of the Gulf Coast hurricane disaster.

KOREA IS BRACING for a large typhoon (hurricane) expected to hit on Tuesday or Wednesday. Link

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