A Supreme Court justice who has never been a judge of any sort. I'm not necessarily opposed -- just surprised. Perhaps this isn't such a bad thing. But why?
High tech islands.
And I suffer from obsessive branding disorder.
City leaders in Topeka, Kansas, find the birthday card "offensive."
It's a Hallmark production which bears the title "CSI: Topeka" and features a cartoon of two people standing over a corpse, with one saying, "Looks like he was bored to death."
Inside the card is the message, "Hope your birthday is anything but dull."
As someone who lives in a town which has at times in its history been characterized by the rest of the state as "turkey town" -- insinuating that the high point of life here revolves around one of the dumbest birds on the planet -- let me offer unsolicited advice to the fine folks in Topeka -- GET OVER IT. Topeka is a great place (I've been there) but it's not Las Vegas. So what. Laugh at yourself. It's good for the soul.
One of the great weaknesses of the American psyche is that we are too easily offended. It is a sign of cultural insecurity.
Each Monday I'm highlighting a church website from my favorites list. Most of these churches are off the beaten path. This week: All Peoples Church, Diamond Bar, California.
All Peoples - the pastor is my good friend, Charlie. we went to college together. do you know him?
Don't know him. I happened across the church's website a few years ago and thought that it reflected some vitality. So I bookmarked it and have returned off and on for a visit.
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