Wednesday, December 14

So, I boxed the uke up to ship it back to where it came from. I took it to the UPS Store and they told me it would cost nearly $40 to send it UPS -- even though the package weighs only 5 pounds. I asked what it would cost to ship using USPS parcel-post. They said nearly $50!

I decided to find an alternative on my own. So I took it to the short-line Post Office (Denair) and found that they could ship it, including insurance, for $17.

Talk about a mark-up! Those guys at the UPS Store must be rolling in the dough. They certainly aren't lacking for business. I suppose that's why they can afford to charge a $33 handling fee.


vainjangler said...

You really should get one of these! ;-)

Susan said...

I sent a Uke - to my sister in Alaska a few years ago at Christmas-time. Went to one of those mark-up places and said "NO way!"... Boxed it up myself and sent it parcel post. Got there just fine!