Monday, April 3

Cell phones cause brain cancer -- again
The latest in dueling studies on the effects of heavy mobile phone usage is in. And once again it appears that the use of mobile phones can raise the risk of brain tumors, according to a Swedish study. This is contrary to a study conducted last year by the Dutch Health Council which found no evidence that mobile phone usage was harmful. Also, a four-year British survey showed no link between regular, long-term use of cell phones and the most common type of tumor. However, several previous studies had found a correlation between brain tumors and cell phone usage.

Is this as clear as mud? Until they get this issue sorted out perhaps the safe thing would be to use a head-set so that we're not sticking the phones up next to our heads all the time. At the very least we could cut the amount of time on the phone. Doing that, we might even qualify for a plan with fewer minutes -- saving money along with our brains -- and perhaps even making traffic on the roads flow more smoothly, too. There are all kinds of benefits to reduced cell phone usage.

Of course, as inconvenient as it might sound, we COULD just live without them.

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