Sunday, April 30


..."Nuestro Himno" the new, very loose Spanish translation of "The Star-Spangled Banner," which seems to have riled up a few people, including President Bush, can now be heard online at NPR.

...Video Nation is a BBC website which features video stories submitted by civilians. The BBC edits the stories and then posts them online. Interesting.

...Also from the other side of the pond -- Monty Python's Spam sketch is online at Google Video and You Tube. (The pinnacle of Internet culture)

...Jim Black is a Covenant pastor and musician. His music is downloadable from Indieheaven. He's got some fun stuff.

...SketchUp is Google's latest freebie -- a 3D modeling program -- " can create 3D models of houses, sheds, decks, home additions, woodworking projects -- even space ships."

...Yesterday, delegates from the American Baptist Churches of the Pacific Southwest voted 1,125 to 209 to recommend to their governing board that they sever ties with the national denomination. "Members from the region's 300 churches are upset that American Baptist Churches, USA, has not disciplined congregations with liberal gay policies even though the denomination has a strict definition that says 'homosexuality is incompatible with biblical teaching.'"

...Newsweek has released its list of the top 100 high schools in the US. One of the best ways to motivate Californians is to mention that Florida (!), New York, and Texas were all really shining -- and we -- ah... -- weren't.

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