Sunday, August 27


...If you get a chance check out Fuentes Libres. They do micro banking, providing impoverished Mexican women with small business loans. Once again, the church in action helping equip those who need it the most.

...We went into McDonald's this morning before worship at the Lutheran church and I bought coffee for Cheryl. After the fact, as we examined the receipt, we noticed that the counter worker gave me the senior citizens discount on the coffee. I understand that a lot of the people out here have a hard time discerning the age of haoles.

...We have a car -- 1999 Toyota Corolla.

...Worth noting for those using the personalized Google page -- the new to-do list module.

..."The Rise of Neo-Fundamentalism" -- who? where? Christian fundamentalist culture and theology has been with us for a long time. Is there really a new rise?

...I'm running the computer on battery tonight because of the intense band of electrical activity.

...Kent has been teaching English in a Chilean high school. Also, he has some more great pictures.

...Bob Webber at work -- "A Call to an Ancient Evangelical Future" -- actual text of the document

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