Sunday, November 26

Sexuality Paper

The Board of the Ordered Ministry in the Evangelical Covenant Church (of which I was a board member until last June) has produced a major paper on sexuality which will be presented to the denomination's annual meeting in June 2007.

Hopefully, people will have taken time to digest it before trying to discuss it. Now would be a good time to give it a read -- before getting swallowed by the holidays. And then perhaps again in January and March.

Howard Burgoyne was the primary writer and he packs a lot into every sentence.

For those who are coming in at the middle of the conversation (and for those from outside the Covenant who are just looking for a great resource on the topic), the paper itself is in response to a request by the annual meeting in 2004. It should be read as commentary on the 1996 resolution on sexuality (which was reaffirmed at the 2004 annual meeting).

It would be helpful to read this paper in conjunction with "True Union in the Body?" -- a clear but compassionate paper which was produced in response to the chaos in the Anglican Communion.

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