...Christian vs. Christ Follower videos -- parody of the PC vs. Mac commercials. A little too stereotypical and smug -- but cute. (via UltraRev)
...Speaking of Macs -- I've got this iMac that won't shut down because a webbrowser won't close. I've tried the "force quit" approach but that always hangs up. I can manually turn off the computer but the next time it boots up the problem is there again. At least with Windows I know the voodoo necessary to get around the quirks. I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with the Mac quirks. So, to further complicate my life I've saved an old PC that was headed toward the dumpster and ordered some free Ubuntu OS CDs. I want to see if I can put something together that might work for students. Any advice?
...Fuller president Richard Mouw has launched a blog. Good move. I am a bit concerned, though. It's just so antithetical to the medium to put a suit and tie picture of yourself on a blog. RICH!!!
I'd mention it to him but he forgot to switch on the comments button.
I use Macs all the time, so maybe I can help. Here's a couple of suggestions
Have you tried the Force Quit option under the Apple menu? (as opposed to doing it from the dock or hitting the keyboard shortcut) That usually works better.
The browser problem sounds like a corrupted preferences issue. This is usually easy to fix -- you just trash the preference file in question.
Go to your user folder (home folder) --> Library --> Preferences. Scroll down the list until you find the preference file for the program in question. You will probably want to expand the column view to see the names of the files. If you're using Safari, it is com.apple.safari.plist. If it's another browser it's probably farther down the list. (Firefox is org.mozilla.firefox.plist. Opera is com.operasoftware.opera.plist)
Hope this helps.
Oh, I forgot to add. Move the preference file to the trash and restart the computer. This resets the preferences. Good luck!
(if you're using an older system -- system 9 -- you can find the preferences in the system folder. The same principle applies, though -- trash the preferences and restart)
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