Friday, February 16


...There are 27 million people living in slavery today. I was taught in school that the abolition movement had been successful.

...Thousands of churches in Britain are on the verge of closing. Frankly, though, I suspect that it's more a matter of the real estate market catching up with reality. That is, most of the churches that are closing have been "closed" for years. No need for new panic. God will work around and through our failures.

...Channel 11 in San Jose, California has a great video piece on Daniel Chae. Daniel's father, David, is the pastor of Great Exchange Covenant Church in Santa Clara.

...I'm still catching up on some news which occurred while we were moving and offline for awhile. Christ Church Plano (Texas) has joined AMiA. (via)

I like AMiA -- a very mission-driven and evangelical expression of Anglicanism (although I wish that they were more open to women in pastoral leadership).

Christ Church Plano
was the largest Episcopal church in the States until they left that denomination last year. They were just getting going when we were starting Community Church in Bedford, Texas. And I remember their rector David Roseberry from a Purpose Driven Church seminar. Rick Warren, some new guy on the church growth circuit, was doing a conference in Forth Worth. I remember thinking that Rick wasn't saying anything all that new but I was intrigued to see an Episcopal church planter at a church growth conference. He learned well.

...Even if the new Blogger spell checker ate some of my paragraphs on the first day I was on the new system, it's a great improvement over the old checker.

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