Monday, April 30


~ Church planters shifting focus from big to reproductive. I've never been terribly successful at leading either -- although a reproducing church has always been more of my focus and priority.

~ Melissa, our dean of women, got her crashed-computer back. The data was recovered, they were able to reformat the harddrive, and it only cost $68. A nice thing about Guam is that services tend to be reasonably priced. It's when you have to get parts for something that you're in trouble.

~ I think Hollie, our PIBC ministries coordinator, caught a military flight out today (I haven't heard that she didn't make it). She's trying to get stateside so she can visit family and then she will be at Biola this summer starting her masters degree in cross-cultural ministry. That's a good way to redeem the time while her husband Aaron is in Kuwait/Iraq flying one of the Navy's medevac copters.

~ The San Francisco Bay Area is experiencing traffic hell after a gasoline tanker exploded right at the point where connector ramps merge Interstates 80, 580, and 880 ("the Maze") -- just as you're heading on toward the Bay Bridge. The driver, with second degree burns, walked away but the freeways melted and collapsed. There was a similar fire at nearly the same spot in 1995 and it's where the freeway collapsed in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Is it any wonder that Bay Area drivers are so stressed?

~ The term "servant leaders," popular in the 80s, seemed to slip out of vogue sometime in the 90s. But it's back! And that's a good thing.

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