Wednesday, May 2


~ When I logged on this morning I noticed that my Google Personalized Homepage had morphed overnight into "iGoogle." Other than the "i" it all looks the same and functions the same. So if it makes Google feel better to ditz with the name -- whatever. They're giving me the service for free.

~ Dell plans to offer the Ubuntu operating system on their machines.

~ Beth has a good short post on kairos and chronos time.

~ When you come visit us on Guam we'll have to take you to Sesomjai Thai Restaurant -- a hole-in-the-wall along Marine Drive, backing up to the bay -- great food and there is hardly anyone in there in the evenings. I don't understand.

~ John Stott is retiring from public ministry at the age of 86. He has been and is a true blessing to the church.

~ The US military has a chaplain shortage.

1 comment:

Sean Meade said...

i always wondered why that address was and now i know.