Saturday, May 19


~ Quaint English village -- in South Korea? Publicly-funded Paju Camp is a creative attempt at language immersion. More villages on the drawing board.

~ Americans have cut back on driving for the first time in 26 years. It is too soon to be considered a trend. It could easily be a blip.

~ Weather forecast for Europe, 2071. What may be more significant than a few degrees increase on the thermometer (when did the weatherman ever get it all right?) is the migration of a billion people displaced by climate change. Even a few degrees, whether natural or human-made, will create migration. There are islands out here in the Pacific which will completely disappear. What an opportunity to practice hospitality!

~ "How youth ministry transformed the church, part 2". Actually it should be "how youth ministry transformed the American church." It's not the same everywhere and the church in the US is not "the" church. And really, if we're going to be precise, it's "how youth ministry transformed the American evangelical church."

~ Jim Wallis on Jerry Falwell.

~ Robert Koons, professor of philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin, and Right Reason blogger with Francis Beckwith (Baylor professor who resigned as president of the Evangelical Theological Society when he became a Roman Catholic a few weeks ago) says that he is crossing the bridge from Wittenberg to Rome. (No, Beth, I have no desire to take a dip in the Tiber with you. The company would be good but the water is too cold.)

~ Stan Friedman, the Covenant's web news reporter, has received press credentials to cover the presidential debates in New Hampshire. He will be looking for signs of life.

~ Surprise! Some of the Amish are embracing cell phones and solar electricity. (via)

~ Agnus Day for tomorrow's gospel lesson, John 17:20-26

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