Monday, June 4


~ The Seattle P-I has a story about the merger of Quest Church and Interbay Covenant Church. Both congregations are a part of our extended family of churches but it's unusual in that the merger brings together two very different churches.

~ In case the candidates' self-described church attendance patterns affect how you're going to vote.

~ Did you know that residents of Guam, while technically US citizens, are not allowed to vote in the presidential election? Of course, even while we were on the mainland we always wondered if our votes really counted given the nature of the Electoral College.

~ Five high school students were denied their diplomas after overly enthusiastic friends cheered too much for them during the commencement program. Unfortunate as it is, the school has to draw the line somewhere.

~ Happiness Lodge seems to be doing well on his US speaking tour. After having him for two semesters in my preaching classes I can tell you that he is just being Micronesian modest when talking about his language abilities. Even though he is young he is a terrific communicator -- at least in English -- I assume he's at least as effective in Chuukese.

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