Tuesday, July 17


~ This Sunday (July 22nd) I'll be preaching at Bayview Baptist Church -- 8:30 & 10:15 a.m. If you're a part of this church family come on up and introduce yourself.

Möbius strip~ Mathematicians have solved the mystery of the Möbius strip. Now I'll be able to sleep at night.

~ "The entire Internet has crashed" -- continuing coverage of Web Crash 2007 on YouTube.

~ "Plans underway for world's largest cross in Nazareth" -- Yeah right, like that's going to fly. If the majority population (Muslims) doesn't topple it the Christian critics of gimcrack will certainly tear it down.

~ The price of gas on Guam jumped 8 cents today. We have three choices for petrol on the island -- Mobil, 76, or Shell. If one company raises (or lowers) prices at their stations generally speaking the others match it. This morning I saw that Shell had raised their prices over night. So I tanked up at Mobil. By the end of the workday both Mobil and 76 had matched Shell. We're now at $3.499/gallon. Chicago by comparison seems to be averaging $3.413. Phoenix seems to be averaging $2.775.

~ Seattle to Boston in 100 days -- on a Segway.

~ If we replaced all the cars on Guam with Segways we wouldn't need to worry about high gas prices -- and we could still cross the island in 30 minutes. Traveling the island north or south take slightly longer.

~ Help! We're being surrounded by earthquakes.

~ Kent thinks that Ghost Ride the Whip is funny. I admit that it is mildly amusing -- the first time through. :-) As Cheryl says, somebody's grandparents were pretty good sports.

~ Wal-Mart is selling Jesus action figures. (via) No big deal. Where I grew up lots of people had Jesus action figures on their dashboards. Some even glowed in the dark.

~ Most every home on Guam would benefit from a femtocell. Since most people tend to live in concrete structures (walls & ceilings) with rebar every two inches, cell coverage inside a building is pretty difficult. These could help.

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