Monday, July 23


Drew Carey~ Come on down! Drew has a new gig hosting The Price is Right. Oh, great! Now there will be grandmas stopping me on the street asking me if I'm him. He's the real reason I grew the facial hair and moved to Guam. I just tell people that he's my evil twin. In fact, though, he is a lot younger than I am. :-)

~ Isla61 AM (KUAM) is now Isla63 AM -- moving up in the world -- but not much. Their online streaming signal (which was never very good) has totally disappeared. But if you want to get a sense for how Guam thinks listen in to the streaming chatter on K-57.

~ Congratulations to the University of Guam! WASC has continued their accreditation in spite of the severe throbbing fiscal headache that GovGuam has given to the school. If UOG hadn't made so many strides in other areas I wonder whether they would have received this kind of glowing affirmation. Guam should take real pride in the university.

~ Those Chilean sailors marching in the Liberation Day parade on Saturday were from the Esmeralda. We're planning to take the tour tomorrow.

~ Move over My Space, Today's Christian Woman, a Christianity Today publication, has started a social networking site -- TCW Neighborhood.

~ Dave & Joyce Owen have put their PIBC "missionary slideshow" up on YouTube.

~ I don't understand how it is that so many people feel so overwhelmed by the email thing. It's not nearly as bad as things were before they started filtering for spam. I teach an online class, work with colleagues at several sites, and administer a few email lists -- so I process several hundred emails a day (actually, my filters do a lot of the processing). There are two simple rules for dealing with it all.
1. Have a filtering or labeling system of some sort that will organize things for you.
2. Triage -- dealing with the most important things first -- neglecting some good but less important stuff. It's okay if you can't do everything.

Kirk Boydston~ The American Bible Society is working even more closely with some Eastern Orthodox bodies.

~ Our children have always been over-achievers. So we're not surprised to learn that Kirk is the "customer of the week" at the Peet's Coffee right by his work place in the City. Alright Kirk -- a Polaroid picture and free coffee for a week! You can relax now.

~ Apparently Dobson and Colson aren't big Potter fans. However, probably more in tune to good writing are Smietana and Gilmore -- who both seem to find a lot to like about Harry Potter.

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