~ Belgium on the verge of divorce? Before you Flems and Frogs do anything rash I want you to think long and hard about the impact this might have on the chocolate. There's counseling available -- but you'll have to speak English to get it.
~ Sonlife Ministries has merged with YouthFront
~ Remembering Rich Mullins -- who died 10 years ago this week

~ The Canadian dollar is a trading equal to the US dollar for the first time in 31 years. Eh, you can now quit 'cher loonie belly achin' about how rough it is living in the economic shadow of the US. :-)
~ How to shrink your church in 30 days or less! Practical. Very practical.
~ More details for those interested in applying to the South African Theological Seminary's doctor of theology program -- I've got a few people in our part of the world that I'd like to steer their direction. I don't think SATS has anything on the school's website about their DTh program yet -- but if you'd like to see what they're about check them out here.
~ Own a piece of Cold War history! Titan missile base outside Spokane for sale -- 57 acres -- lots of buildings, above and below ground. Missiles not included. $1.5m (via)
Wasn't this place on the market just a few years ago? I think someone is trying to flip it.
~ And for those Covenant pastors who are always looking for a spot in the California sun there are three new senior openings posted -- including Turlock Covenant Church. TCC is the parent congregation of Cornerstone, where I was pastor for 11 years. They've got a great facility in what has become a challenging location. But it would be a fun group to work with -- warm and generous -- lots of creativity. Jump on it! See if God opens the door.
~ Paying by the mile instead of the gallon -- It's a necessary shift because cars are getting better gas mileage, reducing revenue for road maintenance.
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