~ "Churches Cancel Sunday Worship for Tangible Faith"
Since when was worship focused on God intangible faith? For six days we focus on serving God out in the world and on the seventh we stop doing that in order to focus more directly on serving God himself through worship. The whole "faith in action" campaign, while well intentioned, and while truly addressing the need to get people up and moving, is half-baked theologically. Should we rob God of the praise and adoration due him in order to care for neighbors? We don't have to. The problem isn't so much about what we're doing on Sunday. It's what we're not doing on the other six days. Yes, put faith into action -- but let it be the service that overflows from what we do for God each Sunday.

~ You already know that I'm not anywhere near being a hardcore fan, but given the circumstances in my family (Cheryl is a Cal alumna and our daughter Betsy is working hard to become an alumna in 2010) it is worth noting that Cal has squandered its opportunity to be #1. At the same time ASU (where I went to college) is the last unbeaten team in the PAC-10. Occasionally MY school outshines the other -- occasionally.
1 comment:
A tangent related to the "intangible/tangible faith" comment...
We just called Brian, a seminary grad, to join our pastoral team "to head up a missionary movement in the heart of Houston", 30 miles south of us. The resulting "705", a "network of house communities", as we are calling it, will meet as house communities 2x a month; will pair up with another house community to do service ministry on the 3rd Sunday morning of the month, when most faith-based volunteers are unavailable because they're in church; and all the house communities will meet together once a month for common worship experiences. It's pretty cool the way it's working out.
(The name "705" isn't an obscure reference to a theme verse - it's the address of the first home community we started a few years back when Brian was here as a sem intern - or vicar as the Lutherans put it.)
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