Monday, November 5


~ Dave Owen (picture right) and I met up with infamous blogger Sean Meade (picture left) for lunch on Monday. I first met Sean a few years ago when we were on the executive committee of the Covenant Ministerium. (He impressed me with the organizational flow chart that he had scratched out on a napkin.) He moved to the Columbia, South Carolina area when he was on staff with Inter-Varsity, working at the University of South Carolina. These days Sean is a professional blogger -- one of the few who has made the leap into the big league.

~ The latest on Dave & Brad's Most Excellent Road Trip

~ Beth is answering Don's question

~ Enhance your Mozilla browsing experience with numbered tabs

~ Bookmark: -- search for online episodes of your favorite shows (via)

~ Ned Farnsworth has some good pictures of his PIBC students involved in children's ministries

~ Speaking at the Asian Society of Missiology conference in Bangkok, missions guru Ralph Winter shared "12 past mistakes made by Western mission agencies that Asian missiologists should avoid." Number one on his list was the fact that Western missionaries start Bible schools rather than universities. As a teacher in a Bible College started by missionaries I will agree -- he's totally on target. From a missional standpoint Bible colleges are good -- but not good enough. By narrowing our focus so much we're severely limiting our influence and are being less than holistic in our approach to faith. We tend to create a compartmentalized disintegrate approach to faith.

1 comment:

Sean Meade said...

red eye attack! (you don't know the power of the Dark Side)

great to meetcha for lunch Brad. too bad Columbia and Guam are so far apart ;-)

(hmm. don't remember the napkin org chart, but i always carry a pen (see it in the picture!) and often write on napkins.)