Just in case the Starbucks suits are tuning in -- I do think that it is important to mention again, on behalf of my coffee drinking friends, that there is not a Starbucks coffee outlet on Guam -- even though there are 170,000 people living on the island and the military is in the process of moving in another 20,000± people. From what I've heard there isn't anything even in the same league on the island. This could be the opportunity to turn your poor struggling company around.
~ "Church plants," "sister churches," and "satellite congregations" may be a thing of the past. In 2008, the language of missiology is changing, so look for "church franchises" in your town. -- Link
There is a bit of that going on but it seems premature to see franchising as normative -- especially if at some point the people in the congregation begin asking for a say in how things are run.
~ A day at the beach in South Korea -- Oh, my... -- Link (via)
~ Sean is picking a winner but not a score. I'm not as smart as he is so I'll pick the score but not the winner. The score of Super Bowl XLII will be 29 to 17 -- based on the Super Bowl averages in this millennium. Actually, the winner will be the Arizona economy -- $300-$400 million. The fans who make it to Arizona won't really care who wins. They'll just be so excited to have 60+° weather that they'll spend, spend, spend...
1 comment:
wow. thanks, for the link, Brad. however, i disagree with you: you are smarter than me, but not obsessed with the Patriots ;-)
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