Google had some special Chinese New Year artwork up on their Chinese search engine today.
~ Dan Whitmarsh has a review of Scot McKnight's book A Community Called Atonement. I agree. It's a great book -- best theology book I read last year. -- Link
~ Kent Anderson is excited about Dave Olson's book The American Church in Crisis -- lots of charts and graphs. I'm waiting for my Amazon copy to ship. -- Link
~ A 39-year-old Czech-built retired military plane made the world's first canola-powered jet flight in October. Apparently the plane has been re-engineered and can use lots of different kinds of fuel -- gasoline, home-heating oil, biodiesel... They just have to fly low to keep the fuel from gooping up at the colder altitudes. -- Link
~ Healthy living ends up costing society more according to a new Dutch study. "Compared to obese people and smokers, healthy people place a greater burden on health care systems" because it costs more to care for people who live longer. -- Link
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