Tuesday, April 15


"Garbage Island of the Pacific Ocean" -- When I first saw the headline I thought it was a reference to Guam -- a well-loved island, in spite of the fact that it is in so many ways paradise trashed. But no, this is a story about that floating Texas-size garbage patch between Hawaii and San Francisco -- "a gigantic toxic stew." ~ Link

The EU is requiring all airlines that fly in, to, or through Europe to join a carbon cap and trade program no later than 2012. Red herring silliness. ~ Source

It may be a lot simpler to administer the airline carbon credit trading program in 2012 -- with a lot fewer airlines involved. Northwest announced today that they'll cease to be -- getting gobbled up by Delta. In the past few months we've more or less bid adieu to Aloha, ATA, Frontier, Maxjet, and Skybus. There may be only three major American domestic carriers by the end of the year.

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