Tuesday, April 29


Gas prices continue to rise because of the weakness of the US dollar on the international market. ~ Link

Tim Stafford tells the Philip Yancey story ~ Link

Albert Hofmann, for all practical purposes the inventor of LSD, died Tuesday at the age of 102. ~ Link

The Mormons are planning to build two more temples in the Phoenix area. They report that 6% of the Arizona population is LDS. ~ Link

Commander Jamie McGrath and his Naval Maritime Expeditionary Security Squadron 7 got some airtime on the news today. Jamie sings next to me in the worship leadership team at the Lutheran Church of Guam. He's a great guy -- and he's got an excellent voice! ~ Link

JR Woodward has a review of Kurt Fredrickson's Fire in the Church: Organic Structures for the Missional Congregation ~ Link

Westminster Theological Seminary has released a statement explaining why they gave Peter Enns the ax. It sounds like he didn't buy into their version of dictation theory -- For the Reformed, God was the author of Scripture, and men were the ministers, used by God, to write God’s words down. Scripture’s author is God, who uses "actuaries" or "tabularies" to write His words, who are themselves instrumental secondary authors...

Actuaries? Tabularies?

(Only) two cheers for the new Calvinists! ~ Link

Bookmark: Woman at the Well video ~ Link

Our friend Suzanne Bratcher has started a blog ~ Link

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