• Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School is a new college-prep scheduled to open on Guam next school year -- and they're looking for teachers. ~ Link
• Firemen from three stations rushed to a church in central Jönköping (Sweden) on Monday to put out what at first appeared to be a fire. But on closer inspection the smoke billowing from the steeple of Sofia church turned out in fact a swarm of gnats. Yuck! ~ Link
• The storm that blew over Guam yesterday has now organized itself and it even has a name -- Tropical Storm Nakri. Nakri is projected to become a category 1 typhoon (hurricane) by Thursday. But it looks like it will stay out at sea.

• I've been preparing to teach a class in the fall on religious movements and groups that one might find in Micronesia (Hey, it's all pretty much here -- and a few you've never heard of). And I came across the Sacred Tribes Journal -- a great resource for studying new religious movements. ~ Link
• Try fasting to prevent jet lag says a Harvard researcher. Yeah, right, like that's going to make the trip even more fun. And it always seems to be more of a drag flying to California than flying to Guam. (Although if you think about it -- 16 hours of travel isn't so bad when you consider that you're going halfway around the world.) We leave at 6:25 a.m., Tuesday morning (arriving in San Francisco at 5:42 a.m., Tuesday -- nearly an hour on the clock before departing) for a six week whirlwind tour through parts of California, Arizona, Illinois, and Wisconsin.
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