Sunday, June 8


Cheryl and I did lunch at Costco today with Chris Lascano -- polish and kraut. While there we ran into Tim and Pat Friend. He is the pastor of the Denair Friends Church (yes, I know, that's probably why he chose the denomination) -- and a world Christian. They've been involved in some creative and extensive ministry in Cambodia. Check out his blog at

This evening we did El Charo -- the first real Mexican food Cheryl has had in nearly two years! (I did manage to grab a burrito when I passed through California last November.) Very very satisfying.

Gas on Guam is now $4.67/gallon ~ Link

The headline reads "Split in Anglican Fraternity Now Almost Inevitable" -- as though it hadn't already occured. ~ Link

1 comment:

donnjohnson said...

Gas in FRance this summer is $8.50 a gallon!