Thursday, July 17


Carolyn and Armin Reese came to Guam from California to teach a PIBC computer applications class. Carolyn has blogged about the experience and she put together a slideshow that gives a terrific tour of Guam and the campus. ~ Link

Cheryl made it home safely yesterday. I fly to Guam tomorrow. Pity the poor person who sits next to me on the plane -- I had garlic chicken for dinner tonight and it's already oozing from my pores.

A few days ago we made flight arrangements for Kent (#2 son) who will be arriving on Guam on August 22nd. He will be a volunteer teacher in our English and remedial program for the fall semester -- and will be living with us. We're quite excited about that.

127,292 California high school students dropped out of school last year -- one in four -- far more than originally estimated ~ Link

Having attractive employees does not necessarily translate into higher profits, according to a new Swedish study ~ Link

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