Friday, July 18


Black gold -- while oil prices are dropping (slightly) Coca-Cola is raising prices ~ Link

City Vision College, a very unique online school which offers a BA degree in missions, has added an addiction studies track. The college, which is accredited, was originally established to train workers for the inner-city rescue missions. While retaining that original mission they have broadened their focus to developing leaders for those serving in many types of urban ministries. ~ Link

My copy of the new Orthodox Study Bible arrived while we were traveling. It's a beautiful reference book -- icons, articles, and commentary explaining the Eastern Orthodox perspective, new English translation of the Septuagint (LXX -- Greek version of the Old Testament), excellent maps, and they've added a few icons that were not in the New Testament release of the same Bible. Interestingly, there are not a lot of church father quotations in the notes. ~ Link

I have a little update on our ministry blog ~ Link

The grocery store went black this morning while we were shopping. It took about 30 seconds for the generator to kick on -- but then everyone went about their business without missing a beat. We're back on Guam!

It appears that John McCain is somewhat of a cyber-Luddite. I suppose that if he were elected president he could hire a kid somewhere to do his googling for him. ~ Link

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