• I, too, am a big fan of the American community college system. In spite of the occasional jokes and the weaknesses that you'll find in any institution, the community colleges continue to make advanced education accessible to ordinary people -- something the rest of the world envies. ~ Link

• Rick Mansfield is musing a bit and is thinking that the New Living Translation (NLT), which has been a bit of a sleeper version up to this point, is going to overtake the NIV in US usage -- and he's got some numbers to make his case. ~ Link
• Brad Bergfalk has emerged from his blogging sabbatical. Yeah! ~ Link
• "Pastor Gets into Motorcycle Crash - During Service" -- As we teach our students in preaching 101 classes, you don't want your illustration to overshadow the point that you're trying to make. ~ Link
• Midsize mission groups have become key components of the revitalization of many European churches ~ Link
• Quotable Bill Kinnon: "When a church names itself Relevant, it ain't." ~ Link
• Stan Friedman has a good article on how people are limiting their future possibilities with what they're posting on the Internet. At least one Christian camping ministry is requiring counselor applicants to provide them with access to their MySpace and Facebook accounts. Think about it. Why might they require that? It makes sense. ~ Link
• The big PC makers are trembling at the growth of the upstart, mini, energy-efficient, sub-$300, Internet-centric devices that are showing up everywhere. ~ Link
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