• It's a bit crazy here at Mission Springs Conference Center. This afternoon a septic line exploded sending a tsunami of black sludge across the main lawn area and rupturing the waterline. So we have no water and no sewer. There are crews working on it tonight but th

• Cheryl and I saw Wall-E this afternoon -- loved it -- totally unlike any other animation.
• A new kind of bug -- VW plans to release a 235 mpg car into the market in 2010. Necessity -- the mother of all invention. ~ Link
• I saw my first SmartCar in the US today -- zipping around Scotts Valley. They get about 40 mpg in city driving.
• Was the American revolution a justifiable war from a Christian perspective? ~ Link
• Ben Witherington's crusade to dismantle the arguments of Pagan Christianity? using historical facts continues. ~ Link

• Walmart continues to reshape it's image into something gentler and warmer. Will they be able to grow into their new logo? ~ Link
• A first! GovGuam's financial audit was clean! Also, actual revenues in 2007 exceeded budgeted revenues by $19.2 million. Congratulations Guam! ~ Link
Am I the only one to call BS on the smartcar? I love the concept and would buy one in a hearbeat, but 40mpg for a little two-seater is complete garbage. If you want to carry 4 people you need two cars so you'll be getting worse mileage than any non-SUV out there. I would get one of these if they could get 60, but I get 25-30 out of my Acura which I own so it's hard to justify dropping 14k or so to get a new car for that small of a mileage increase.
We get 30 mpg in our 1999 Toyota Corolla -- and that's with island driving! I'm guessing that the SmartCar gets a lot better than the 40 mpg that they are forced to report. I saw one study that put them in at 50 mpg.
Apparently not everyone agrees with Witherington. See the comments section on my recent post about it.
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