• Making big bucks picking up small change from the sidewalk ~ link
• I learned a new phrase today -- "hyperreality" ~ link
• Yahoo's Fire Eagle is out of beta so you can now let your fans know exactly where you are at all times. "3 minutes ago you were spotted walking down 3rd St" "Two minutes ago you were spotted entering the bathroom..." Even more convenient with a GPS enabled cell phone. ~ link
• Dial 1298 on your GPS enabled cell phone in Mumbai (India, 22 million people) and
"one of 51 world-class ambulances arrives in about 15 minutes to provide care and transport. The service is world-class, modeled on London Ambulanc• White people will cease being in the majority in the US in 2042. The tide is changing a lot faster than previously estimated. ~ linke Service (down to the forms the paramedics fill out on the ambulance)...
The cross subsidy model is deceptively simple. Patients who want to go to a private hospital in a full-service ambulance - staffed with a doctor - pay 1,500 rupees (about US$35). Those who go to public hospitals pay either half price or nothing. 1298’s leadership is committed to having 15-20% of the company’s calls be serviced free or at reduced cost. This simple logic takes away the cumbersome process of identifying who can afford to pay and who cannot..." ~ link
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