Wednesday, September 10


• Major earthquakes in Chile (5.8), Japan (6.9), Indonesia (6.6). Hurricane Ike at category 4 level is bearing down on Texas after beating up more than a few islands on the way. A lot of shook-up people. Help available as needed.

• Today's discovery -- clear duct tape. I had to fix the shelf on our refrigerator door and so I took a run to HomeDepot. I was hoping for white -- but found clear -- better yet. Small things amuse small minds.

• Using the sunspot method the Old Farmer's Almanac is predicting global cooling for the coming decades. ~ USA Today link

• Innovative: Prison Entrepreneurship Program (PEP), offering business training to prisoners so they can develop business plans to use upon their release ~ CT link

• The number of Christian colleges (in the Council for Christian Colleges) with 10%+ African-American enrollment has tripled since 1997. ~ link (via)


The Mr. said...

Ike is only at Cat 2.

Brad Boydston said...

Indeed, Ike seems to be loosing steam right now. That's good.

Over on our side of the world we've got Typhoon Sinlaku (cat. 4 -- which developed just west of us on Guam) messing with Taiwan right now.

Chris Lascano said...

Catherine Rorh from PEP is an amazing person who is so focused on what she is doing. She was one of the speakers at the Leadership Summit Conference this year.