Friday, October 17

Human Trafficking Awareness Day

orange head scarfJanuary 11, 2009 has been designated as Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

Trafficking is a big issue in the Western Pacific -- especially Saipan and Guam where Asian women have been promised jobs in the close US territories and they end up stuck in places they'd rather not be. And because the territorial governments are in such chaos they're really incapable of addressing the issues on a local level.

The Covenant Church has a website and video ("Break the Chains" -- 2008) on human trafficking. ~ link

Ruth Hill has a new video update with suggestions for what churches and individuals can do for Human Trafficking Awareness Day. ~ link

1 comment:

donnjohnson said...

I spent time with Mark Kirschgarten from International Justice Ministry today. He spoke at Westmont College Chapel and should be a speaker at the Midwinter!! 27 million in slavery today!