Wednesday, October 22


Scot McKnight's Jesus Creed blog has gotten too big to manage on his own. He's switching it over to In spite of the heavy commercial content on Beliefnet it should be a good move -- open new doors, include new people. I'm guessing that I'll need to update my RSS reader. ~ link

Half of the Guam Department of Corrections detainees are awaiting trial. The courts on Guam are unable to handle the load. ~ link

Ohio State University's main campus in Columbus (with 53,715 students) barely beat out Arizona State University's Tempe campus (with 52,734 students) as this year's college campus with the largest enrollment. When I was at ASU in the late 70's there were nearly 40,000 students on the Tempe campus and we thought it was crowded. ~ link

Police are experimenting with technology that automatically photographs passing license-plates looking for hot cars -- and, I'm sure, other wants and warrants. ~ link

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