• May Vigil, our Guam campus library coordinator, went to Hawaii a couple of weeks ago and had surgery to remove a grapefruit size growth. The doctors told her today that the growth was benign. No additional treatment needed. She and Tony will be headed back to Guam on Tuesday. Praise the Lord!

• Salmon, anyone? ~ link
• Obama presidency leads to increase in gun sales. He's already stimulating the economy. ~ link
• More craziness, online psychics are reporting a surge in business because of the economy. ~ link
• Sprint lost 1.3 million wireless subscribers to competitors during the third quarter. ~ link (THX)
That's got to hurt. Maybe NTT DOCOMO will consider buying out Sprint, too. We had really lame cell phone service on Guam until DOCOMO bought the company and things started to improve pretty quickly.

• It would be culturally insensitive to refuse a bag of extremely good hot homemade Palauan donuts from the family living above us. Right?
• Inflatable disaster housing includes bed, couch, freeze-dried food, 50-gallon water bladder, first-aid kit, radio, and stove. Just add air. But how do you inflate it if there is no electricity? How do you keep it inflated? ~ link
• Wired has a slideshow of disaster housing ~ link
• Even the Chinese economy is cooling off. ~ link
• A Nepali teacher built a wireless network to connect his remote mountain community to the internet. ~ link
• While Blogger was relaxing Tumblelogs showed up -- the next great push-button publishing innovation? Very easy to use. Lots of graphics options. Fun. ~ link
• What if Starbucks marketed like a church? A parable.
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