Monday, November 17


Christian Century magazine Stan Friedman's article on Ralph and Cheryl Broetje "FirstFruits" orchard is the cover piece for Christian Century. It's a great story. ~ link

Arizona State University has chosen a gigabit wireless technology for some of their network connectivity -- bypassing fiber. This is a big deal, illustrating how broadband radio internet is rapidly maturing. ~ link

A 16-year-old Japanese schoolgirl with a "mean knuckleball" has been drafted to play professional baseball -- alongside the men. ~ link

Scot McKnight wants to know if there is a "conspiracy of silence" regarding the reliability of the Old Testament. ~ link

Cheryl's been cooking with whole wheat spaghetti recently -- still tastes great.

There are a bunch of Palauans living in the Decorah Covenant Church (Decorah, Iowa) building. I wonder if they know any of our PIBC Palauans -- no doubt. ~ link

The Canadian Police Chase got me laughing. ~ (THX)

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