Tuesday, November 25


And now... live from Alaska -- Sarah Palin interview -- with the guy in the background killing turkeys -- so totally unaware. ~ link (thx)

I grabbed the PIBC office door knob this afternoon and it came off in my hand. Such power! Such cheap plastic threading under all that metal.

The Pope is thinking of messing with the liturgy. Is nothing sacred? (Sorry, I couldn't resist. He just wants to move the "peace" to a spot more theologically appropriate. Imagine that -- letting theology work itself out in the liturgy.) ~ link

The USA Today headline says "Evangelicals adopting Advent" -- a little strange since many of us have been adventing since... we'll as long as we can remember. Perhaps the headline should have said "Evangelicals adapting Advent" or "Evangelicals VeggieTaling Advent" or "Ahistorical nondenominational churches discover value of Advent traditions." ~ link

Reader's Digest + Rick Warren = "The Purpose Driven Connection" -- new magazine/curriculum/DVD ~ link

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