Saturday, December 6


A French physician thinks that he has come up with a pill to successfully treat alcoholism -- a muscle-relaxant called baclofen. Baclofen isn't new but using it to treat alcoholism is. ~ link

Hector Tobar in his new LA Times column, talking about his return to the US after living abroad for several years, and how things have changed since he left:
In the new United States, we are more comfortable with the Latin American, Asian and African roots of our multitudes. Thus, the president-elect with the funny name, and the proliferation of languages around us.

The United States I returned to is a more colorful place than the one I left. And we Americans seem mellowed and slightly more humble. ~ link
"Sour economy sending professionals back to school" -- including the mayor. ~ link

Student learns the hard way -- if you harass the owls on campus they'll harass you back ~ link

We're off to prison tonight to do music for the worship service on the men's side. Dealing with the bureaucracy is sometimes annoying and a hassle -- but the men are always very appreciative.

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