Wednesday, December 10


Gas to drop 15¢ @ midnight--down to $2.84/gal on Guam (same @ all stations). And I didn't even fill up today so I guess no one can thank me.

I wonder if they'll make Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich share a prison cell with former Illinois governor George Ryan? Why do Illinoisans continue to vote people with "reputations" into office? My time in Chicago (where I was born -- and lived twice) prepared me for life on Guam. Both have a similar political ethos.

$99 Acer Aspire One netbook @ Radio Shack -- IF you sign a two-year AT&T [T] 3G plan at $60 per month. ~ link

"The editors of Sacred Tribes Journal are planning on a special theme issue devoted to Mormonism and evangelicalism that will involve dialogical approaches to theology, and perhaps apologetic approaches." They are seeking submissions which will be reviewed by a collection of evangelical and Mormon scholars. ~ link

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