Wednesday, December 17


China is already the second largest citrus producing country in the world -- and they're getting ready to ramp up production. ~ link

The Out of Ur debate over the effectiveness of both "missional" and "attractional" model churches continues. No resolution in sight. Perhaps truly healthy churches aren't so easily defined by the model concept. And maybe we're making mission way to complicated. ~ link

Before I ate tapas, the idea of small servings seemed stingy. After I tasted tapas, these exquisitely crafted dishes seemed extravagant. I know that God can work in small ways and at the same time be extravagantly generous. And I know that bigness (certain totalitarian regimes come to mind) can be stingy... ~ David Neff explaining how the gospel is small but extravagant

1 comment:

Laura Springer said...

"Perhaps truly healthy churches aren't so easily defined by the model concept. And maybe we're making mission way to complicated."

Me thinks you've hit the nail on the head.