Friday, January 23

Chicago bound?

Even from out here in the middle of the Pacific I'm hearing lots of grumbling from my Covenant pastor colleagues who are headed to Chicago for the Covenant Midwinter Conference and bitterly cold weather. (They don't grumble about the conference -- which is always excellent -- only the cold location.) If everyone decided to not go during the years that the conference is held in cold places the problem would fix itself. Grumble no more.

Not that I want to rub it in, but Cheryl and I are going to the Asian version of the Covenant Midwinter Conference held at New Travel Beach Resort, in Chantaburi, Thailand next month. There are a few benefits to living away from the mainland.


Unknown said...

Administrators schedule the conference to coincide with the coldest days of the year. They're just like that.

I will consider driving people from the hotel to Giordano's, but I must warn that I will not be bound by the city's mandated fares, and I expect to be paid with cash.

The hard decisions are for people coming from places such as Guam. Do you get on the airplane wearing shorts and short-sleeves or do you board with layers of clothes that include a thick sweater and heavy coat?

Glad to know you're the kind of person who doesn't "want to rub it in."


Dan said...

I'm not grumbling. We've already had a week of snow up here in the PNW, so I'm feeling acclimated.

Randall Friesen said...

I think we could solve all the grumbling simply by hosting it in The Field where I live, up here in CANADA one year.

Heck, I'm not even bringing my winter coat but I am thinking hmm, shall I wear my spring or summer jacket...

And you are going to a beach resort?

May your speedo not get caught in your butt crack.

Brian said...

I don't think it's the cold that makes us, makes me grumble. It's also the location. The Hyatt is expensive and there is very little nearby. Denver was a 1000 times better and while the weather was unseasonably warm in Denver, it'd still be better even if it were colder than Chicago. (Did I mention that in Denver there was free wi-fi? Try getting that at the Hyatt!)

Oh well.