Also pictured (below) is my pineapple -- right before I harvested it.
Ideally I would have left it on the plant for a few more days but there were indicators that the fruit might disappear in the night if I didn't take it now. It's been in a pot at PIBC, where I also have a second developing pineapple in another pot.
I planted the pictured pineapple from a crown that I had rooted. The original pineapple (which we ate!) was a gift from our friend Daisy Ho. She brought it from Hawaii on a visit about 14 months
We'll probably eat ours in a couple of days. It's been yellowing up very rapidly in our kitchen.
Gardening on Guam does not require a bright green thumb. If you can get things into decent soil they just grow. And sometimes that's not even necessary.
It's the tropics.
Since moving to California from the Midwest, I have developed a fascination with cacti and succulents. Nice work Brad!
Nice post and pictures! I miss the island immensely. If you ever want to see what the island looked like in 1969 through 1981, I've got pics posted here: ... and if you're curious about pineapples, I have info on them here:
I always enjoy seeing your posts about Guam and what you're doing over there.
Dankalu na si yu'us ma'ase!
Dave Gardner (aka "EditorDave" or "Fanihiman95376")
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