Friday, January 2


Chickens rule Guam -- but so far we don't have any of the long-crow variety (fortunately) ~ link

I, too, was going to offer up a list of my top 10, most important blog posts of last year -- but I quickly realized that I'd be taking myself way too seriously.

Jeffrey Goldberg's Atlantic article on airport security is informative and entertaining. TSA does not come out looking very good. ~ link (thx)

They're way over-priced but the concept is good -- test strips to make sure your de-caf coffee is truly de-caf. Someone could take this idea and run with it -- a service for those who can't have caffeine. ~ link

The classical, oldies, and rock genres are in decline on the radio. However, CCM is one of the fastest growing genres -- in spite of the groans of some vocal Christians who have been sounding its demise since it started in the '70's. Hey, I like CCM -- at least some of it -- if there isn't any religiousized pop-style happy talk with it. ~ link

I thought I'd set my laptop to automatically defrag itself. When it slowed to a crawl yesterday I did it myself and that's got things moving again.

I'll be teaching classes on world religions for the next three Sundays at LCG (9:45-10:45 a.m.). We start tomorrow with Animism. Then we'll be looking at Hinduism and Buddhism on the following Sundays.

A slice of Florida citrus history ~ link

Volvo is getting ready to roll out a crash-proof car ~ link
Bruce Larson
Greg Asimakoupoulos shared an obit from the Seattle P-I on Bruce Larson. Bruce was a visionary and leader in the Faith at Work (small group and relational Christianity) movement which was so influential in the US during the 30's-70's. God used him in some amazing ways. He died two weeks ago. ~ link

Speaking of which, Faith at Work, which is still around, has just changed its name to Lumunos. They will be using the tagline ”Light for the Journey.” ~ link

eFuel100 -- do-it-yourself ethanol machine -- Interesting idea but a costly way to make fuel. It might be cost effective on some remote island somewhere south of here. ~ link

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